🐝 New Quiz available 📣 ‘Time shift (UTC offset) of countries of the world’ — What is the UTC offset of … ?

Quizzing Bee
Dec 13, 2020


'UTC offset of countries of the world' - What is the UTC offset of ... ?

Open https://app.quizzingbee.com/v1/#/Quizzes/6/openWho and press on ‘Start’.

See here a game preview video:

Would you know the UTC offset of Norway. To help answer that question you can think of a UTC offset that you know and the countries longitude. If the longitude is similar then the UTC offset is as well. Try it out!

All in all this quiz contains ~129 questions, in different languages. Next to english also available in …
german “UTC-Offset von Ländern der Welt”
spanish “Desplazamiento UTC de países del mundo”
french “Décalage UTC des pays du monde”
portuguese “Compensação UTC de países do mundo”
russian “UTC смещение стран мира”

